Soothing Your Eczema Throughout Winter: What You Can Do

About Me
It's More Than Skin Deep: Eczema 101

I never fully understood eczema until I had a child with special needs who was prone to severe outbreaks. The more time I spent trying to treat and prevent those outbreaks, the more I learned about the triggers, treatments, and preventatives. I dedicated all of my free time to learning everything I could about it in the hopes of helping my little one. Knowing that I couldn't be the only one who was struggling with this, I decided to build this site and publish everything I'd learned. I hope that these pages will help you to address eczema outbreaks in your loved one as well.


Soothing Your Eczema Throughout Winter: What You Can Do

16 September 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Winter may be the time of year when you feel the driest due to the lack of humidity in the air. The cold weather may also cause irritation to your skin as well. Your skin may appear dry, with patches on areas such as your elbows, knees, neck, and scalp. If you have excessively dry skin, you may be itching often. To help prevent further irritation to your skin, especially if you have eczema, there are things you can do. Read on for helpful information to soothe your eczema during the dry winter months.

Apply Moisturizer Often

You need to apply moisturizer often to your skin, paying close attention to the areas where they are driest. Eczema lotion can be found over the counter, or if you need something a bit stronger, an eczema lotion that is prescribed may be necessary. Talk to your dermatologist about what lotion is best for your skin and your eczema. Apply the lotion as needed to keep the area hydrated. Applying it after you shower is the best time to apply it, but you can apply lotion all throughout the day as well.

Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated can also help you soothe your eczema and dry skin. Drink water every single day to stay hydrated. Water is very beneficial in keeping your skin hydrated. You need to drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water per day. Drinking caffeine and alcohol can dry out your skin and dehydrate you, so lessen your intake of those substances.

Slough Off Dead Skin Cells

Slough off dead skin cells using a dry brush, or you can use a natural loofah to slough off your dead skin cells. Removing dead skin cells can help encourage new cell turnover. Removing the dead skin cells can also reduce itching and reduce the appearance of dry skin as well. Use the dry brush before you get into the shower, then rinse away the dead skin cells. The loofah can be used in the shower.

Eat A Healthy Diet

Eat a diet rich in vitamins and minerals. You should be eating a diet that includes a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as foods that are more organic and not overly processed. Processed foods can cause skin conditions, including dry skin or clogged pores. Change your diet and see a change in your overall skin tone and texture.

If you have eczema, winter can be a harsh time for you. Keep your skin soothed this winter using the tips above. Talk to a dermatologist about eczema treatment for your skin.