Taking Care Of Your Skin As You Age: What You Should Know

About Me
It's More Than Skin Deep: Eczema 101

I never fully understood eczema until I had a child with special needs who was prone to severe outbreaks. The more time I spent trying to treat and prevent those outbreaks, the more I learned about the triggers, treatments, and preventatives. I dedicated all of my free time to learning everything I could about it in the hopes of helping my little one. Knowing that I couldn't be the only one who was struggling with this, I decided to build this site and publish everything I'd learned. I hope that these pages will help you to address eczema outbreaks in your loved one as well.


Taking Care Of Your Skin As You Age: What You Should Know

16 January 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Your skin needs your care, as it's constantly exposed to the elements all around you. Your face especially is exposed constantly to everything around you. It feels the lashing of the wind, the cold from the snow and rain, and it feels the warmth and heat from the sun. All of this exposure can take its toll after a while, and it will begin to show and wear on your skin. You will notice spots that weren't there before and lines and wrinkles that are new to your face. These things are just going to come with time, but with some care, you may be able to postpone their arrival. Read on for tips to care for your skin as you age.

Use Facial Lotion

Use lotion on your face daily to moisturize your skin and nourish it. Your skin loses a lot of its elasticity as you age, and moisturizing can help this. It helps the skin from drying out, which can cause premature wrinkles and fine lines. Use a thin lotion that isn't too oily or greasy and leaves your skin soft and smooth, not feeling slick. Use a lotion that contains SPF in it to help block out the sun's harmful rays, which can also cause premature wrinkles.

Wash Your Face Gently Daily

Use a gentle face wash and wash your face daily to remove the dirt and grime your face encounters throughout the day. Wash your face in the morning and at bedtime as well. Washing at night can help remove impurities from the day, while also removing any makeup residue that you may have as well. Sleeping in makeup can cause acne, clog pores and lead to wrinkles as well. Use a gentle wash that doesn't contain harsh products and only use a scrubbing face wash every once in a while, as these can be too harsh on the skin, leaving your skin feeling irritated.

Use A Retinol Product On The Skin

Start using Retinol on the skin to help reduce the signs of fine lines and wrinkles and to help replenish the skin on your face. As you age, you lose the elasticity and Retinol can help with this as well. Retinol creams can be found at your local beauty supply store, or at any drugstore. Apply to the face nightly before bed and after washing your face. Pay close attention to the areas around the eyes, the forehead, and around your mouth as well.

If you aren't taking good care of your skin, you are going to begin to notice the wear in the form of acne, wrinkles, age or sunspots, and fine lines. Talk to your dermatologist about other things you should be doing to care for your skin as you age.