3 Surprising Facts About Skin Cancer

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It's More Than Skin Deep: Eczema 101

I never fully understood eczema until I had a child with special needs who was prone to severe outbreaks. The more time I spent trying to treat and prevent those outbreaks, the more I learned about the triggers, treatments, and preventatives. I dedicated all of my free time to learning everything I could about it in the hopes of helping my little one. Knowing that I couldn't be the only one who was struggling with this, I decided to build this site and publish everything I'd learned. I hope that these pages will help you to address eczema outbreaks in your loved one as well.


3 Surprising Facts About Skin Cancer

21 July 2018
 Categories: , Blog

You may eat well, exercise, and visit your doctor for regular checkups to improve your health and wellness. However, certain diseases and disorders may still arise even while following a somewhat healthy lifestyle. Skin cancer is a serious disease that is not taken seriously by everyone. As a matter of fact, more people are diagnosed with skin cancer each year than all the other cancers combined. With this guide, you will learn a few surprising facts about skin cancer to help you understand the dangers of this disease, as well as how to prevent and treat it.

1. Spotty Situation

One of the most surprising facts you should know about skin cancer is that you can see early warning signs of this disease. In most cases, the first warning you that you may have cancer is a new or change in a spot on your skin.

If you have a spot, such as a discoloration or a mole, document any changes you notice. A change in size, shape, or color are definitely signs that you should have the spot examined by a dermatologist. Also, if the spot or mole is itchy, red, swollen, or oozing with pus or blood, visit your doctor for further testing and treatment.

2. Sunny Disposition

Another surprising fact you need to know is that excessive exposure to the sun is not the only cause of skin cancer. If you spend time in tanning beds, you are also at risk for developing this disease. Most people believe tanning beds are safer solutions than tanning outside in direct sunlight, but that is not the case. Tanning beds actually emit 12 times more UVA light than natural sunlight.

Considering UVA light is the main cause of cancer of the skin, avoiding long periods of time in the sun and time in tanning beds is smart.

3. Skin Screening

If you must be outdoors in the sun, it is important to protect your skin. Clothing and umbrellas can help, but applying sunscreen is imperative.

When choosing a sunscreen, focus on the best protection possible even if you are trying to tan your skin. Remember that the tan you are so desperately after is actually damage from the sun. Choose a sunscreen that offers protection against both UVA and UVB rays. Also, reapply the sunscreen all throughout the day while you are outdoors.

Even if you feel you protect your skin as recommended by doctors, screen your body regularly for changes in your skin. Document new spots, freckles, and moles in a notebook and make sure to note if these spots have changed in any way. Use a tall and handheld mirror so you can check all sides of your body during the screening process. For more information, contact your local skin cancer treatments center.